How to have a successful newborn session
How should I prepare for my session?
You should arrive with baby fed but have a source of food ready at hand. Be sure baby's diaper isn't on too tight, which can leave unattractive marks on baby's skin.
What do I need to bring?
A blanket, pacifier and a source of food. I also recommend gas drops if you use these...they can be a life saver! Other than that, not a thing. In general, newborns do not fill out clothing well; therefore, they are best photographed as they came into the world. You are more than welcome to any special items that you want to try to incorporate into the session. This is a great way to personalize the session.
How long will the newborn session take?
On average, newborn sessions take anywhere from 2-4 hours. This allows time for feedings, calming and reset of props.
What if my baby cries?
We like to think we're in charge but in all actuality, we're just along for the ride. We work on what I like to call, "baby time". There will be plenty of time to work with baby to soothe him. But if all else fails, we can reschedule for another day.
What if my baby has an accident?
It happens!! All props are machine washable and those that aren't are protected with washable or disposable pads.
Can I bring older siblings to have their pictures made with baby? What about a family picture?
We can absolutely incorporate siblings as well as mom and dad into the session. Please note, because newborn sessions can take anywhere from 2-4 hours, I highly recommend that you have someone who can pick up the older children when finished or bring them later into the session. If this isn't possible, be sure to bring some items to entertain them. The studio is equipped with a TV/DVD player so feel free to bring a movie.